Online Payments in China: A Dissertation point of view


Online Payments in China: A Dissertation point of view


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The theory that appears relevant to the study is the theory of consumption value. This theory explains why consumers buy what they buy (Sheth et al., 2011). The decision to buy is based on different values. This theory identifies five values of consumption as social value, functional value, epistemic value emotional value and conditional value. Any of these values, some of them or all of them may influence the decision to buy or not. The research will use this to research how online service providers respond to customer values to influence their choice of online payment services in China. How service providers use market knowledge to meet the respective consumption values will be the focus of the study. In other words, the strategies developed to shape customers’ perception of the values related to different online payment services will explain the competitiveness of the specific services providers. This theory is based on the assumption that consumption decisions depend on both intrinsic and extrinsic reasons. The theory has been used in explaining consumption of technologies such as software products, internet banking and other IT services (Hedman and Gimpel, 2010). Therefore, the theory of consumption value will provide a solid base of understanding how online payment service providers fulfill these values.

Word Count: 780