Operation Plan for a Charity Music Event (The Great Ormond Street Hospital)


Operation Plan for a Charity Music Event (The Great Ormond Street Hospital)


You are an Events Entertainment Operations manager for Lend me your Ears Productions. You have been hired by a client to choose a location and advise on the operational requirements for a celebration event (maximum 500attendees). Lend me Your Ears Productions are aiming to raise money for a charity of your choice.
You are allowed to select one of the following event or entertainment areas:
• A film event
• A music event
• A corporate event
• A private party
• An Art event

Introduction (roughly 150 words)
You will then write your report in three parts with a word limit of 3,000 words:
A. Discuss the Critical Success Factors (CSF’s) for your chosen event and how they influenced your choice of location (roughly 550 words).
1) Type of Event
2) Target audience
3) Accessibility

B. Produce an Event Operations Plan for running the event on the day, focusing on the following operational issues (roughly 1600 words):
1) Licensing and Legal Issues
2) Risk Management
3) Health & Safety (Security and crowd control)
4) Supply Chain Management
5) CSR and Sustainability
6) Waste Management

C. Critically reflect on your own operational learning journey by thinking about the following points (roughly 550 words):
a) The changes you have made to your planning processes as an event Operations Manager as a result of your learning

b) How have you used operations management theory to help you design and deliver the event
c) The challenges you have encountered when creating the operations plan and the progress you made in overcoming them
d) Any interaction you may have had with a professional in the industry

Conclusion (roughly 150 words)

When choosing your location, you can have a look at the following websites:
i. Squaremeal: http://www.venuesandevents.co.uk/
ii. Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, Events Organisers Guide: https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/leisure-and-culture/culture/holding-event
iii. Royal Parks, Holding Events in Royal Parks:
You could also choose a venue of your choice however it is recommended you choose a venue from one of the websites. It is highly recommended that you use the EVENTUM Resources Handbook for Events Management, this can be found on GSM Learn.

Answer preview

Critical success factors are the elements that are essential for an event or project to realise the pre-determined goals and objectives (Müller and Jugdev, 2012). The CSFs must be considered in an event to ensure that the desired goals are obtained at the end of it all.  The CSFs characterize a wide range of internal and external factors, and they include the activities, processes, issues, and dynamics that the event managers must take into account so as to achieve success in the event.

Word count: 3448