O&R- Alcohol Support Groups


O&R – Alcohol Support Groups


There are support groups for drinking alcohol. There are four women. A twenty-year-old student. A mother has children left by her husband and there is difficulty controlling her life. The official named (Michael) told them, that everything’s will talk about will be secret. Talk about the time they will spend during the meeting. Everyone talked about the meaning of safety. I liked it when the mother said “It is safe to know that a person will not abandon you despite mistakes”

What type of group do you think was presented and why?
What is at least one SMART objective for each member of the group?
How do you think the facilitator (Michael) should evaluate the group?
How was leadership in group facilitation done well in the group?
What could have been improved about the group facilitation in the group?

Answer preview

There are various types of alcohol support groups. The group presented was a SMART group, which simply refers to a Self-management and recovery training. The group was made up of four women, who were all dealing with other issues apart from alcohol abuse. The women had issues of behavior control. A SMART group is one that has a set of programs that focuses on four-point program to help members build motivation, manage cravings, control how they behave and learn how to live satisfying lives.

Word count: 726