Oral and Written Communication during Presentation to Stakeholders


Oral and Written Communication during Presentation to Stakeholders


Write a paper on the Oral and Written Communication during Presentation to Stakeholders

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Oral communication is considered to be less expensive and time-saving. A facilitator who chooses this method, therefore, needs to put in minimum resources as compared to when they have to use a written presentation where they need ink, pen, and paper among other tools to formulate a document (Services, 2015). However, for someone who needs to preserve the presentation for future referencing, a presentation that is written would be more convenient. Oral presentations tend to be more of the moment, with the audience lacking the capacity to hold all the information that is presented verbally. Consequently, information may get lost in between the presentation and the facilitator fails to pass the message clearly. A major disadvantage with written communication is also the fact that each stakeholder may end up interpreting the document in their own perception causing a misunderstanding between the two parties. Oral presentations allow for discussions and explanations making information evident and precise.

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