Organisational Approach to Innovation


How does organisational approach to innovation and corporate entrepreneurship training interventions impact employee performance?


Write a 1500-word proposal for the dissertation.

The Proposal is a development of the initial Research Topic and will take the format of Background, Aims and Objectives, Rationale, Outline Literature Review, Outline Methodology, and Project Plan (GANTT chart or similar).
The proposal should include the following:
Title and Background (10%). A clear and critical understanding of your chosen topic.
The topic must be both worthwhile and relevant to your pathway as reflected by:
A working title
One or more clear research questions.
Explain the background to these questions in context, e.g. their relevance to your degree subject.

Aims and Objectives (10%).
Aims – usually one main aim.
Objectives – usually 3 to 5 more specific that aims, and refine the aim(s) into
smaller parts

Rationale (10%). The rationale for your chosen topic, i.e. the reasons why it is being
carried out.

Outline Literature Review (30%). A short review of literature relevant to your topic. The review must reflect:
Provide proof of scholarship
Reflect your basic understanding of your topic
Reflect your intellectual ability to construct critical arguments based on your reading
of the relevant literature.

Outline Methodology (25%). A well-reasoned methodological approach in terms of:
The scope of the research
The choice of a research strategy
A basic understanding of methods and techniques to collect primary data

If a survey is to be used this should include how you intend to select your sample and distribute questionnaires.

What tools and techniques will be used to analyse the data.

Project Plan (15%). An appreciation of your research’s feasibility within the time available to you. A Project Plan using a GANTT chart or similar graphical device showing activities to be undertaken at specific times.

The criteria for marking the proposal will also include:

The quality of your proposal in terms of structure, style and presentation.

Maximum word limit: 1500 words

Answer preview

In a business world where globalization and technological advancements is occurring rapidly, organisations are faced with multiple challenges, as well as opportunities. Whether or not a firm survives the forces of the markets depends on its competitiveness, which in turn relies on whether or not the organization is able to exploit the diverse opportunities, while quelling the challenges to remain relevant in the market (Conway, 2009). Innovation and corporate entrepreneurship have been described as important concepts for organizations that are keen on sustaining growth and competitiveness. Many authors, such as Monsen, Patzelt and Saxton (2010) describe corporate entrepreneurship and innovation, and the role they play in the success of modern organizations. However, research remains limited with regard to the issue of how innovation and corporate entrepreneurship training interventions impact employee performance.

Word count: 1715