Organisational Behaviour Analysis


Organisational Behaviour Analysis


The Case Study should contain:

a brief statement of the situation and why it is perceived to be problematic
a complete description of the conceptual framework or theories applied (from text)
a detailed analysis of how the concept applies to the case
a set of recommendations derived from the application of the concept or theory for resolving the problematic situation.

Answer preview

ABC Company is one of the leading organisations in soft drinks across the world. The
effective leadership style has fostered the growth of the company, gaining a significant
market share in the soft drink industry. Conventionally, the company has adopted different
motivational strategies for employees, including health insurance to its members of staff and
their families. The leadership style and employment benefits have played an important role in
maintaining a large workforce for the company. However, as the company enjoys the
enormous growth benefits, the workforce suffers from particular aspects of the leadership
The company’s management seem unable to manage employees’ attitudes and
emotions. Essentially, as the competition in soft-drink industry looms, the company seems to
focus more on maintaining its market position. Therefore, the leadership attention seems to
focus more on the market, disregarding the welfare of employees. The emotional and
perception of employees regarding the company and the industry appears to be ignored.

Word count: 2344