Organizational approach to innovation and corporate entrepreneurship interventions

An organizational approach to innovation and corporate entrepreneurship training interventions

on employee performance.

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An organizational approach to innovation and corporate entrepreneurship training interventions on employee performance


Background of the Study

Today’s organizations are operating in an environment of uncertainty and high levels of competition.

The modern business environment is marked by rapid technological changes and market shifts.

Only firms that are prepared to adapt to those changes are positioned to survive in the market, by overcoming the challenges and exploiting the opportunities presented by these market dynamics.

To this end, Thornberry (2001) emphasized the fact that many large business organizations are striving to reinvent and revitalize themselves, by improving on their entrepreneurship.

Corporate entrepreneurship and innovation have been documented as viable solutions for the myriad challenges which modern organizations face, including the need to remain competitive in the market (Lumpkin and Dess, 1996).

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