Organizational Culture and Ethical Standards


Organizational Culture and Ethical Standards


As you complete this course, what concepts/models/theories were most beneficial to you as a leader in your organization (or would be beneficial to other leaders in your organization)?

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The other important concept that leaders in the organization should always uphold is the concept of ethical standards. Ethical behavior is important in the workplace because the success of a business is hugely dependent on trust between the organization and employees, managers, executives, customers, suppliers, and even competitors. Ethics in the workplace is the set of rules that define acceptable behavior within and without the workplace. This means that a leader will not engage in any business that goes against ethical standards of the organization. Ethical standards also govern the kind of suppliers, employees and executives that the organization is willing to do business with. Anyone with questionable ethics should not be apart of the organization at any level. Ethics in the workplace builds believability; many customers are happy to be associate with a business that has upholds the highest levels of ethical standards because it will also translate to quality products and services.

Word Count: 300