Organizations ought to focus on other skills besides technical Skills in Recruiting and Selecting Expatriates for International Assignments


Organizations ought to focus on other skills besides technical Skills in Recruiting and Selecting Expatriates for International Assignments


Critically evaluate and research the statement below. In your essay, clearly indicate whether you agree or disagree with the statement based on your research. Present an argument reflecting different aspects of the statement (e.g. arguments for or against). You may demarcate the focus of your analysis, however ensure you make this explicit to the reader.
Organisations should mainly focus on technical skills in recruiting and selecting expatriates for international assignments.

Answer preview

In the modern competitive business environment, firms strive to look for ways to enhance their influence and performance in the international market. Accordingly, they must decide on specific skills that workers who handle international assignment must have (Bonache and Noethen, 2014). Most firms emphasize the technical skills that such employees must possess. International human resource planning comes in handy in identifying strategies that will be used to select and recruit such employees. For instance, employees with professional skills will be more crucial in fulfilling international expansion such as networking as compared to only those with technical skills.

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