OSHA Regulations


OSHA Regulations


Read pages 450-458 of Legal Environment of Business.

Consider the following as you read:

  • Workers’ Compensation and OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Act) provide workers with the framework for safe working conditions and compensation for injuries that occur at work. How does this system impact business?

Write a 200-word post

Answer preview

OSHA regulations stipulate that employers should provide the scope of the work that is executed by the employees. Therefore, it is the mandate of the employer to comply with the OSHA regulations which ensures that employees are working in a favorable environment. OSHA and Worker’s compensation has been impacting businesses in different ways.  OSHA has established its own guide to developing health and safety programs. It is clear that workman’s compensation and OSHA have been impacting businesses in different ways. Workman’s compensation normally pays employees occupational illness and injury. In most cases, this appears to be one of the most expensive lines of coverage for employers.

Word count: 206