Exhibits from Natural History Museum of Los Angeles


Paleontological Exhibits from Natural History Museum of Los Angeles


Museum Analysis-Visit any one of the following museums and prepare a five pages, double-spaced typewritten analysis: How well do the exhibits at this museum reflect the legacy of life? Include in this report a checklist (i.e. table) of the number and kinds of paleontological exhibits, the amount of space, and what types of paleoecological habitats are represented. Document your trip with a paid admission receipt, and illustrate your report with five representative photos (not postcards or cut-outs). Each photo should have a caption describing it.

Answer preview

Visiting the Natural History Museum was a lifetime opportunity to learn the history, reality, and existences of creatures that I considered fictitious since I was young. The Natural History Museum (NHMLA) has one of the most extraordinary exhibits of the dinosaur. More than 300 fossils of the dinosaur have been preserved at the museum some of which have been assembling to make 20 complete dinosaur structures. NHMLA is one of three museums that are spread across Los Angeles that closely associate in their exhibitions. The museum has over 35 million specimens from different periods, some of the oldest fossils belong to animals that existed over 4.5 billion years ago. The museum visit exposed me to the enormity and magnificence of diverse megafauna that lived in the ice age and beyond. It was a chance to learn the origin of the story of the planet and the legacy of the life of many creatures that exist today.

Word count: 1398