Paper on Nursing Issues


Paper on Nursing Issues


Use the following articles as ur chosen journals
Nursing economics  2013 issue2
A. “Financial literacy as an essential element in nursing management practice ” by Talley,thorgrimson and Robinson
B. Nursing ethics 2016 issue 2
  ” nurses’ moral experiences of assisted death: a meta-synthesis of quality research” by Elmore, wright, and Paradis,
Introduction(10 points)
Mention the general types of topics covered in your assigned 2 journal issues (do not list the titles, but succinctly report general topics). Discuss your rationale for selecting your article. (Be sure to mention the name of the journal, year, and journal’s issue number.
(1/2 page)
2• Critical thinking(10 points)
Discuss how the article: a) stimulated your critical thinking; and b) provided you with new learning (knowledge, skills, and awareness). Use specific examples and citations from the article. (1-page)
3•Reflective feelings(10 points)
Describe feelings evoked: a) as you were reading the article; and b) upon conclusion of the article. Provide examples of places in the article that evoked different feelings (if applicable).  What effect did this have on your motivation and future actions about the topic? (1 page)
4• Application to course topics, readings, or
activities(10 points)
Discuss how the article relates to or matches course topics, ( nursing leadership/ management course) readings, activities, and/or expanded upon them. (1 – 2 pages)
5• Application to practice area and professional development(10 points)
Describe how the article will enhance your current and future clinical practice and professional development. (Be sure to identify your current clinical practice role and setting and your future professional goals) (1-2 paragraphs). ***You are a psych nurse in an inpatient facility, your future goal is to be a nurse practitioner in psych.
6• Future Action Plan(10 points)
Propose a future action plan for you to accomplish within 6 months related to the article. Identify professional correspondence as part of the plan in addition to other plan components. (1-2 paragraphs).
7• Professional correspondence(10 points)
Write a business letter or e-mail concerning the article and/or topic and addressing at least 1 of the focus areas within your correspondence: (evidence-based practice;)
1 page
8Write to ONE of the following:
a) author(s) of the article; b) editor of the journal; c) president of your assigned state nurses association; d) RN co-worker/colleague who is not enrolled in your N423 class e) another stakeholder related to your article’s topic, or f) an elected official. Place the letter or e-mail after the reference list on a separate page.
• References(10 points)
List references discussed and cited in your paper following APA format.
• APA format and writing quality(10 points)
number each section as it’s written
Answer Preview
This article is important because it provides some solutions on how to counter this reality. The 2016 article ‘Nurses’ Moral Experiences of Assisted Death’ by Elmore, Wright, & Paradis is centered on the experiences of nurses who provide care for patients who have requested assisted death. This article is important because it is focused on the experience of assisted death from the point of view of nurses and not doctors. The reality is that even when doctors are requested by patients for assistance with the dying process, it is nurses who remain at the bedside of such patients until their demise. Even though they are so emotionally involved in such cases, they are rarely asked for their opinions about the process, or how it affects them.
Word Count; 2500