PepsiCo Global Marketing Plan for Non-carbonated Drinks in China


PepsiCo Global Marketing Plan for Non-carbonated Drinks in China


Write a market analysis paper analyzing PepsiCo Global Marketing Plan for Non-carbonated Drinks in China

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In terms of positioning, PepsiCo must work to attract urban dwellers since they will be attracted to the products. Most people who live in towns observe a healthy lifestyle hence they could be influenced to buy non-carbonated drinks. As a result, PepsiCo should ensure that its focuses on this population in order to make a realistic chance of dominating Coca-Cola and Dali Foods. Positioning makes a company realize the potential it has in relation to its marketing plan of penetrating new marketing or achieving a potential market growth. The report will address implementation, action plan, measurement, and control strategies for PepsiCo’s market plan. Among notable implementations will be enhancing communication with an intention of reaching a wider target market. An efficiency control strategy would be ideal for finding the effectiveness of crucial elements like employees, advertisement, and distribution.

Word count: 4900