Parking Lot at Kansas State University


Parking Lot at Kansas State University


Write a proposal using the following guideline:

Proposal Self-Evaluation Checklist

Cover Page & Introduction

  • I have an informative title and have specified the audience
  • I have motivated my audience to read the proposal and enact the solution
  • I have provided the background to the problem: the overall change in the workplace or industry and/or the key problem
  • In separate paragraphs, I have described the problem and the solution/approach
  • I have used outside and workplace-specific research sources when appropriate
  • I have identified an audience that has the power to make the changes that I am proposing

Problem Description

  • I have included a brief overview and conclusion
  • I have provided enough background about the current situation
  • I have carefully defined and explained the problem
  • I have developed the causes and effects of the problem
  • I have used outside and workplace-specific research sources when appropriate

Solution Description

  • I have included a brief overview and conclusion
  • I have connected back to the problem description and explained the criteria or objectives to justify what makes up a good solution.
  • I have named and described the solution, and I have provided specific details about the solution.
  • I have justified the solution and emphasized why it is the best or most feasible one
  • I have emphasized the benefits of the solution
  • I have rejected other solutions and explained why they were not considered or rejected
  • I have used outside and workplace-specific research sources when appropriate


  • I have included a brief overview and conclusion
  • I have included at least one visual to aid readers, and I have introduced and explained that visual
  • I have walked my readers through the major and minor steps, and I have explained why these steps are necessary and important
  • I have talked about the time and duration of the steps, costs, and responsibilities, as appropriate
  • I have emphasized my own credibility and role as the proposal project manager
  • I have used outside and workplace-specific research sources when appropriate

Conclusion & References

  • I have emphasized the benefits of the solution
  • I have emphasized my own credibility as the proposal project manager
  • I have moved my readers to action
  • I have cited my references consistently in an appropriate citation style

Answer preview

The issue of parking lots in the current institutions of higher learning has become a challenge for many reasons. As a result, Kansas State University has become a victim of the challenge because it is lacking sufficient space for this practice. Moreover, the issue in the university has raised mixed reactions, especially among students because they believe the management is being reluctant to the challenge. Transport in learning institutions and parking are interconnected issues and this is adversely affected because the institutions are now assuming complex architectures such as those in urban cities. For Kansas State University, the parking spaces have become limited, and this is even worsened because the institutions have established permits for people to park in the limited lots.

Word count: 2318