Pedagogical Practices that Facilitate Language and Literacy Development of Toddlers (three-year-olds) who do not Speak English as their Mother-Tongue


Pedagogical Practices that Facilitate Language and Literacy Development of Toddlers (three-year-olds) who do not Speak English as their Mother-Tongue


In 5 pages, discuss the Pedagogical Practices that Facilitate Language and Literacy Development of Toddlers (three-year-olds) who do not Speak English as their Mother-Tongue.

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Early childhood development is a critical stage in the life of a child and it encompasses crucial steps that define the growth and development of the given child. Education is one of those stages that children have to go through in a bid to understand the environment around them. Most specifically, language and literacy development are a crucial pillar of this phase and will massively determine how the child interacts with the environment (Jechura et al., 2016). Often, there is a problem for non- English speaking children when it comes to acquiring these skills, especially if they are in English-dominated learning centers.

Word count: 1827