Performance Review


Performance Review


For this discussion board, you should search the Internet for a review of performance and assess if it follows the guidelines from Chapter 10 in Argument Today. The review can be of a restaurant, music group, book…anything that you find interesting!  In your post, use the “Organizing and Drafting Your Review” section in Chapter 10 and discuss whether the review uses any of the techniques for the introduction, body, and conclusion.  You should include the link to the review and each topic (introduction, body, conclusion) should have at least two examples taken directly from the review of how it does or does not apply what we are learning.  Your post should be approximately 300 words

Answer Preview 

In the body of the review, the author provides various examples indicating the skill levels which make the Gem a restaurant playing in the big leagues. The writer describes the meals at the restaurant as way beyond the standards which would be expected for an inexperienced young teenage chef.  The body provides supporting materials for the context when the author notes that … “His cooking is nuanced, his plating is often lyrical and the flavors… have been delicate, subtle and very fresh” (Wells, 2018).  This coupled with a description of some of the meals sampled in the restaurant provides every indication of the high standards which the restaurant has which makes it one of the classy outlets in New York.


Word Count: 350