Personal Change and Self-Regulation from Past to Current Educational Learning


Personal Change and Self-Regulation from Past to Current Educational Learning


Prior to beginning this journal entry, read “Metacognition” (pg. 128-134) and “Lifelong Learning” (pp. 247-253) in you required text. Also read the following required articles: “How Does Metacognition Contribute to the Regulation of Learning? An Integrative Approach,” “Reflective Journal Writing as a Metacognitive Tool,” “Metacognitive Knowledge in Relation to Inquiry Skills and Knowledge Acquisition Within a Computer-Supported Inquiry Learning Environment,” and “Promoting Student Metacognition.”
This week’s journal will differ from your previous entries. This week, you will be focusing on your self-development and how you apply metacognitive processes. Apply basic research methods and the alignment of content within research to the following questions and write an in-depth analysis about how your personal development in the learning and cognition domains has matured and developed through your formative years.
  • What do you do now that differs from your past educational learning experiences?
  • How have your life experiences affected your self-regulation?
  • Have events in your life influenced your beliefs and how you assert yourself in the learning process?

Answer Preview 

Learning has taught me how to self-regulate in any educational process. I now understand that personal values, beliefs, and experiences of the past can hinder my perceptions and judgments in the learning process. I believe such personality issues were a major influence on my learning before entering tertiary education. However, tackling psychology studies have helped me understand how such social and personality factors may destruct the seamlessness of learning. Considering the experience I have gathered, I can now self-regulate myself by ensuring that I understand any issue placed and use all possible available resources to find an evidence-based solution.

Word Count: 700