Personal Human Development


Personal Human Development


Your Personal Human Development within Your Social Environment:

Examine your own life and write an autobiography. You may interview individuals who can give accurate information. Introduce your autobiography at one of the following junctures;

1). at birth

2). your high school years

3). major life event; death of a loved one, birth, divorce, etc.

4). your choice

Assess and define clearly in length your critical developmental milestones, human differences and behaviors.

Life did not END when you entered college.  Your plan for your life after you receive your degree must be a part of this autobiography.

In brief: “Who am I, and how did I become the person I am not?”  Your work with others will be guided by your understanding of your own development.

Include research about unique characteristics of your ethnic background and discuss in detail how your ethnic background affected the child rearing practices of your parents.  What were the roles of males and females?  How did ethnicity affect the decisions that were made, and your interaction with significant other people?

Label the sections in your autobiography.

The paper must be no less than 7 full pages, nor more than 10 pages, typed, 12 font, double-spaced and appropriately referenced.  College level writing is expected which means an organized paper without grammatical errors.

Answer preview

Personal human development entails activities that refine identity and awareness, grow abilities and talents, build human capital and promote employability in addition to enhancing the quality of life and boost an individual’s discovery of aspirations and dreams. It is clear that personal development usually occurs over the course of an individual’s whole life. Not restricted to self-assistance, the idea entails both informal and formal for growing others in their responsibilities (Szuchman & Thomlison, 2011). Notably, personal human development is not assessed by external, financial or social success but it is assessed by an individual’s endeavors to develop spiritual, physical and intellectual aspects so as to reach full human potential.

Word count: 2242