Personal Leadership Evaluation


Personal Leadership Evaluation


The purpose of this assignment is to provide students with an opportunity to reflect on their personal leadership styles at the beginning of the class, as a basis for class learning.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment

Take the Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment.

Create a 1,400-word analysis based on the assessment, text, video, and any other information you wish including:

  • Explain how you view your strengths and weaknesses, along with a development plan to address both.
  • Be specific, and explain your rationale based on the text and video, with cited evidence.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Answer preview

From this class I have learnt that the basic definition leadership generally deals with governing people towards a goal. However, in evaluating my personal leadership in this aspect it seemed like a broad subject because of the various distinct leadership styles that are embodied by different set of traits and skills (Reeves, 2009). Nonetheless, in all the reflection and research I made I came up to a conclusion that an effective and successful leader has to have the ability to inspire. I did self-comparison with some my role model leaders and it was clearer to me that in order to be the best leader on has to self-aware and empathy for others. This was like a default trait that I realized all the leader have and more interestingly there were other different styles that each person have based on their personality. Therefore, in this paper I will look and evaluate my personal leadership while reflecting on what I have learnt in class.

Word count: 1451