Personal Learning and Leadership Quotient


Personal Learning and Leadership Quotient


Consider the following as you write a 200-word post:

  • What did you learn from the research on leadership?
  • What is your Leadership Quotient (LQ)?
  • Do you agree with your LQ?  Why/why not?

Answer preview

My previous experience has always been considering leadership as only applied to being faithful, cooperative, and involving the people one leads in decision-making. However, from the research, I have learnt that innovativeness and decisiveness play a critical role in qualification of a leader.  Innovativeness prompts a leader engage on constant evaluation of trends, while seeking ways to improve the current situation. In being decisive, a leader has to commit to delivering what he or she promises, and a better way of attaining is actually getting people to not only follow, but also own the plans in executing a set task.

Word count: 217