Personal reflection on business ethics


Personal reflection on business ethics


The objective of this assessment is for students to reflect on the subject, to critically assess their own performance and skills development and to demonstrate their ability to analyze issues related to business ethics.


In your reflective journal you must address the following three topics: Individual Learning, EBL Learning & Business Ethics.

  1. Individual Learning

[1]Reflect on the unit’s Learning Outcomes and write on which tasks (in-class & assessment) and seminars assisted your learning the most & least (explain why and how).  This is your reflection and not what your classmates think.

Minimum 800 words

  1. EBL Learning:

How did you use the Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) process to assist your understanding of business ethics?

Minimum 500 words

  1. Business Ethics

 Demonstrate your new business ethics insight by applying the unit’s ideas to a past moral dilemma you faced. Would your actions & the outcome change now? (Explain the context & your actions, then re-interpret them using business ethics ideas (with references))

Minimum 500 words

An understanding of ethical theories & moral reasoning will assist me to apply business ethics in my future professional practice by… (Include references from readings & application to specific scenarios.)

Minimum 500 words


Use Harvard Reference Style where necessary.

You are encouraged to be creative in your journal writing.  You can add pictorials as part of your reflective expression.

[1] Reflection is a useful process even if you have not been set a specific reflective assignment. It helps you to make sense of and learn from your experiences. Many degrees involve assessed reflective writing. This is to allow you to demonstrate that you can think critically about your own skills or practice, in order to improve and learn. It is important to analyze rather than just describe the things you are reflecting on, and to emphasize how you will apply what you have learned. (Honey & Mumford, 1986)

Answer preview

Ethical decision-making insights were informed by the understanding of utilitarianism principle which measures the moral validity of an action according to the pleasure and pain it delivers (Jennings, 2015). From the Critical Essay assignment completed at an individual level, I derived the understanding that the utility of an action is highly significant when determining whether an action is ethical or unethical. While some actions may bring significant benefits to a company, another party may negatively suffer from such actions. As such, I derived that the application of ethical theories in different scenarios may generate interesting outcomes depending the theoretical approach   used to analyses the outcome.

Word count: 2570