Personnel Psychology


Personnel Psychology


Based on the article, answer the following questions: (1.5 pages max)
1.  Why is snowball sampling is preferred in this study?
2.  Do you think that age and gender have an effect on abusive supervisor behavior and work
group interpersonal deviance?
3.  Is an abusive manager or abusive supervisor good for a work place?
4.  How is a low hostile climate good for a work place?
5.  Why do we need to aggregate the data in a group level?
6.  The relationship between abusive supervisor behavior and work group interpersonal deviance
is actually negative when hostile climate is quite low.  Why?

Answer Preview 

Is an abusive manager or abusive supervisor good for a work place?

An abusive manager or supervisor indirectly affects how the employees work. Research suggests that good relationship between managers, supervisors and employees leads to a healthy workplace. Employees tend to emulate the behaviors of those who are above them in terms of age and power, abusive managers and supervisors portray bad leadership skills, which are emulated by the employees, and therefore, promote the work group interpersonal deviance. In conclusion, an abusive manager or supervisor do not bring good outcomes to the workplace, and therefore, not good for a workplace.

Word Count: 450