Persuasive Letter for Comprehending Cultural Competence and Structural Racism


Persuasive Letter for Comprehending Cultural Competence and Structural Racism


You have a friend (imaginary or real) who does not share your concern for diversity. Write a letter to that friend expressing why you care about a particular diversity issue.
How would you explain your interest in the topic and your position clearly? Don’t we sometimes wish we had a script or organised thoughts on an issue close to our hearts that would be convincing?
Organise and write out your thoughts on how you came to a particular political and ethical position on a diversity issue that has become important to you. The letter, in other words, is for you to reflect on and think through a position that persuasively communicates your interesting, well-informed point of view on a topic to someone who matters to you.
In order to do so, you will:
Select a diversity topic of interest to you;
State briefly why and/or how you became interested in this topic;
Use concepts and ideas developed from the unit readings and lecture discussions to inform your key points and arguments;
Include case examples or personal experiences, where relevant to support and enliven your arguments and reflections;
Write in a clear, lively and thoughtful manner – and in no more than 2000 words, to engage the recipient of your letter.

Answer preview

I hope this letter finds you well. I wish to explain to you comprehensively about structural racism and cultural competence diversity issues. I know you have a different stance on these topics and I will take this opportunity to explain why I care about them. I would wish you to know my position on the issues; I support cultural competence because it is pivotal in achieving equality and I consider structural racism rife in Australia to the extent of fostering inequality, especially between the whites and the indigenous races. My understanding of the concepts has been underpinned by personal experiences as well as deeper studying of diversity topics.

Word count: 2182