Pet Therapy Event


Pet Therapy Event


Write a reflection paper on a Pet Therapy event that you attended.

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The event was as educative as possible, owing to the amount of new knowledge I was able to acquire as far as pet therapy is concerned. Animals in some way possess a power to draw the attention of a person from their source of pain, and help them focus on the animals. An example is when a young child who was recovering from cancer spoke about how her dog helped her make quick recovery. According to her doctors. The girl would have a pet present during her chemotherapy, and the girl would come out of the drowsiness faster when the dog was around, more than when the do was absent. This is because the girl was able to draw on her strengths to focus on the dog, thereby canceling any mind-assisted thoughts that could have registered pain or drowsiness. Most people also talked about how a pet handler would visit them in their rooms, and allow them to just pet the animals as they asked questions. At the end of the fifteen or so minutes, the patients would all be left smiling. Pet therapy has its healing powers, and it is effect is universal.

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