Philadelphia Building Project Part. I (Fisher Fine Arts Library)


Philadelphia Building Project Part. I (Fisher Fine Arts Library)


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The plan of the library is exceptionally innovative. To access the five stories of the building, visitors have to use the magnificently constructed staircases that have been separated from the stacks, as well as the reading rooms. Among the highlights of the library is the Main Reading Room. Not only is this room located in the fourth story, but also the space that it exists in is enclosed in brick and terra cotta. An arcade has been used to divide it from the Rotund Reading Room that is two-story. The Rotunda Reading Room, it must be noted, has a basilica plan, and around the apse, seminar rooms have been grouped. The library also boasts clerestory windows that provide light for the entire space. A lecture hall that is two-story sits on top of the Rotunda Reading Room. This, however, doubles up as an architectural studio.

Word Count: 950