Physician-assisted suicide


Physician-assisted suicide


In a three to five page paper do the following two things:

  • Discuss what you take to be the best argument in favor of the issue you where assigned. For example, if you were assigned to write on ‘animal rights’, provide what you take to be the best argument in favor of animal rights. Make sure to explain the argument and the reasons for the position. Then explain what you see as problems with the argument [is it not sound? Are there counter argument? Is the conclusion unreasonable…etc.]


  • Discuss what you take to be the best argument against the issue you where assigned. For example, if you were assigned to animal rights, provide what you take to be the best argument against animal rights. Make sure to explain the argument and the reasons for the position. Then explain what you see as problems with the argument. [is it not sound? Are there counter argument? Is the conclusion unreasonable…etc.]

Answer Preview

There are several people who have supported euthanasia stating that patients have a right to die.   According to a decision in Vacco V Quill,  the court stated that,  a competent and terminally ill person has a right  to avoid excruciating pain; thus allowing such individuals to embrace a dignified  and timely death.  Every individual has a right over their personal autonomy and bodily integrity to ensure that they undertake medical treatments that will ensure that the patient no longer suffers (Coles, 2017). Therefore, if an individual is competent enough to make a decision about their life then the government has no right to prevent them from doing the same.

Word Count: 1200