Pina Bausch’s Legacy in Dance Theatre and Devised Theatre


Pina Bausch’s Legacy in Dance Theatre and Devised Theatre


Write an essay paper on Pina Bausch’s Legacy in Dance Theatre and Devised Theatre

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Philippina (Pina) Bausch was a German dance teacher, modern dance performer, ballet director, and choreographer. Born in Solingen to Anita and August Bausch, who had a big restaurant, Pina got an avenue to start her performance at a young age performing to guests in the restaurant (Meyer & Black, 2017). Having a unique style, sound, unique stage sets, blended movements, and having collaborated elaborately with performers, she was a significant influence in modern dance. Continuing with her career, she created a company, Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, known for regular tours performing around the world and holding a record of having original pieces. One of her best-liked and known theatre dances include the melancholic; which involves dancers moving in patterns around the stage coming together to form shapes of chairs and tables. Her style attracted many and made her stand out as she was very different having original and highly creative moves.

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