Planet-X Does Not Exist


Planet-X Does Not Exist


Find and include a minimum of one current event clipped from the popular media (newspapers, magazines, etc.) for each of the discussion topics listed on the syllabus. Popular media does not include scientific journals and periodicals. Write a one or two page paper about the significance of the event and its relationship to the discussion topic.

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On 10th March 2014, exposed that “Planet-X” Does Not Exist, after the exploration of millions of sky objects by The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). NASA failed to obtain any evidence to show that a solar system nicknamed “Planet X” existed. The natural scientists in astronomy had previously speculated the existence of “Planet X”, a large invisible astronomic body imagined to be located somewhere past the Pluto’s orbit ( 2014). The body was dubbed other names like the “Tyche” and “Nemesis”. The recent study-The Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) conducted by NASA was exhaustive and comprised of the evaluation of the WISE data that covered the entire sky.

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