Pope Sylvester II


Pope Sylvester II


Write an essay on the history of Pope Sylvester II

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Pope Sylvester II, previously known as Gerbert d’Aurilla came from Belliac town near the commune of Saint Simon, Cantal, France.  Pope Sylvester II is popular for his scholarly achievements, educational advancement and an astute political view. Among the popular scholarly achievements include the promotion of mathematics, Greco-Roman arithmetic system and astronomy. Sylvester is the first known pope from France (Flusche, 2006). Beside the education and scholarly achievements, Gerbert is a renowned teacher who introduced different systems of learning such as the abacus, which includes the auxiliary spheres, celestial circles, categorizing the constellations, the terrestrial orbits, Hindu-Arabic numerals and rhetoric learning chart (Brown, 2010). Gerbert also expressed an outstanding knowledge of musical theories as detailed in the philosophical writings of the “Rational use of Reason,” that emphasizes on the definition and organization of knowledge (Brown, 2010).

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