Population and Urbanization


Population and Urbanization


This discussion will deal with demography.  I would like you to:

1.) Discuss why you feel that demography is or is not important to Sociology.

2.) Using the UB Library online resource, search for the journal named “Demography” under the e-journal list.  Find an article from a 2016 or 2017 issue of “Demography” that interests you.  If you have a “favorite” demographer in mind, you may discuss a piece of their work here instead of using an article from “Demography”.

a.) Skim the article, tell us what it is about, the author’s main findings and discuss why it is important to sociology.  Provide a citation of the article.

b.) Do some research on the author (or one of the author’s) of this article.  The journal should tell you what college/university the author is affiliated with, so the website of that institution would be a good place to start.  In what department does he/she work? What is their position? What are their research interests? Does their research sound interesting to you? Do they have any other interesting work published?

Answer preview

The young adult millennial generation is important to sociology because it provides sociologists with the opportunity to observe significant cultural changes that are being effected by this generation. The young adult millennial generation, which refers to young male and female adults between the ages of 18 and 33, has to navigate the responsibilities of adulthood while also contending against economic recession due to national debt, and the breakdown of the traditional family due to divorce. Even though the members of this generation regularly use social media platforms to communicate with each other, they are generally distrustful of strangers, and are also skeptical about organized religion and politics.

Word count: 701