Consumer Choice, Motivation & Desire(The Influence of Psychoanalysis)


Consumer Choice, Motivation & Desire(The Influence of Psychoanalysis)
  1. For this task it is CRITICAL that you use the lecture notes. For each question below I have listed the relevant lecture – please read! I will check that the lecture notes have been used.
  2. For each question, do NOT write introduction, do NOT write conclusion. Just go straight to the question.
  3. Must use THEORY – look at lectures.

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Although many consumers might think that their decision-making is largely associated with logical reasoning in choosing what to consume based on their needs or wants, much of the psychoanalysis theory proves that the process is always influenced by something greater than simple rationalization of the one’s values towards purchasing a commodity (Jacoby, 2000). Sigmund Freud, Edward Bernays, and Ernest Dichter are some the thinkers who expressed the ways in which psychoanalytic features used by marketers influence the consumer behavior in an unconscious manner. Considering the psychoanalysis assertions, it eminently wrong for one to the imagine that people always make consumerism decisions based on rational evaluation of available alternative because the attempt to do so mostly unravels despite one’s unwillingness. According to the psychoanalysts, even in the attempt to rationalize the decision-making process, people often fall into traps of the unconscious aspects based on psyches that are incapable of controlling or comprehend (Chen & Hill, 2009). In different circumstances, people actually know what is rationally important, but their unconscious psyche becomes an obstruction to engage in contradictory behavior in a self-destruction process.
Word Count: 1100