Power/Interest Matrix


Power/interest matrix


This week you will be creating a Stakeholder Power/Interest Analysis matrix. This will
assist you in the development and research of your report for the case study 1 and 2.
– On the following page there is a scenario for an “Off Shore Wind Farm” you are to
identify the stakeholders as well as create a Power/Interest matrix. Give a brief
overview of each stakeholder (from what you can deduce from the scenario) and then
show how they fit within the matrix at a current point in time. Some suggested readings:
• Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Answer preview

From the Offshore Wind Farm scenario, it can be deduced that Tuner Fishers, shipowners’ associations and the Fishermen’s Guilds are highly represented in their local areas and they have the ability of mobilizing individuals there. If their demands and needs are not met it would result to considerable large scale rejection from the inhabitants. Therefore, these three stakeholders have substantial effect and significance for the entire project (Suárez de Vivero, 2007). This clearly means that would be awarded a ‘10’ in both significance and impact. On the other hand, the Town Council does not have great significance as they do not have increased number of competences that may affect the projection execution, and are thus given 6 points. Nevertheless, given their representation and their ability to mobilize, it is clear that they have great influence hence they are awarded ‘9’ on the impact scale.

Word count: 730