PPT analysis: Medical Research


PPT analysis: Medical Research


Students are asked to choose one of the two capstone cases in the textbook by Fleming on Page 648 (Capstone Case N: Flemington Village) to apply course readings and lecture material to tackle the problems. Students should complete the case study independently and answer all the questions asked. The capstone project results will be your presentation using PowerPoint slides. Your PPT submission to Moodle is due at midnight on April 2.

Your grade for this capstone project will be based upon the following criteria:

  • Ability to fully answer the questions asked
  • Degree of insight and understanding into the issues
  • Depth of reasoning and clarity of explanation
  • Ability to appropriately apply readings and course materials
  • PPT slides are submitted on time to Moodle
  • Provide an oral presentation (8-10 minutes) on your case results to the class using PPT (no need to write a paper)

Answer Preview

Length: 10 slides