Presenting Professional Advice in Developmental Psychology: Corporal Punishment


Presenting Professional Advice in Developmental Psychology: Corporal Punishment


To participate in the following discussion, go to this week’s Discussion link in the left navigation.

Presenting Professional Advice in Developmental Psychology. For your initial post, choose one of the following topics in the area of childhood development to research and discuss:

Corporal punishment


Attachment parentingAs a psychology professional, you have been asked to provide a caregiver with your professional opinion regarding how issues related to your chosen topic may influence short- and long-term physical, cognitive, or psychosocial development in his or her child.

Using the Ashford University Library, research three peer-reviewed articles that were published within the last 10 years on your chosen topic and that either support or challenge aspects of your chosen issue. Evaluate the unique scholarly perspectives found in your research and describe the validity and reliability of the results presented. Using the three peer-reviewed articles, identify your professional position on the topic including whether or not you believe the incorporation of this element will have a positive effect on the child’s development. Apply this research to major themes of development influenced by your chosen topic and explain how the literature supports your chosen stance. Your explanation should take the form of a persuasive discussion intended to help the caregiver respond positively to your advice as a psychology professional. Analyze any ethical considerations discussed in the research and their effect(s) on the trends related to your topic. Include the complete references for your three articles at the end of your initial post.

Answer Preview 

Considering the numerous events I have witnessed, heard, and seen on media documentary programs, I feel confident to argue that corporal punishment of parents or guardians is associated with increased aggression and anxiety notable from their developmental personalities. Lansford et al (2014) supports my argumentation on the fact that corporal punishment increased anxiety and aggression on children over time while maternal warmth decreased anxiety and aggression. Lansford et al used target group from many countries across the world, including Kenya, the Philippines, Italy, United States, Jordan, China, Colombia, and Thailand, in order to ensure ethical authentication of the outcome was attained. Proving the severity of corporal punishment effect on children’s development, mothers using both corporal punishment and maternal warmth mostly did not stop the development of increased aggression and anxiety on children.

Word Count: 400