Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders in United States of America


Prevalence of Anxiety Disorders in the United States of America


Write a 6-8 page paper in which you summarize, review, and analyze the information you have found about a specific topic.

  • Frame a research question about the topic.
  • Define the concepts inherent in the topic.
  • Students will then explore the topic using credible and non-credible resources, and be able to describe the differences in quality of information.
  • Students must then also be able to explain what an appropriate, systematic method would be to get answers, or research, the research question.
  • Your final paper should be between 6-8 pages of text and in addition, a cover sheet formatted in accordance with APA style, and e reference page with references formatted in APA style.
  • The final paper should be a review of literature about your topic and you should be able to explain how your research question would propose to elaborate on this topic.

Answer Preview 

Anxiety disorder is a term used for the description of various mental health conditions correlative with anxiety (New England College, 2018). Anxiety disorders are under classifications of panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, general anxiety disorder (GAD), phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder (PSTD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Panic disorder is a condition characterized by the occurrence of panic attacks, with its symptoms mostly developing at early adulthood stages, with its nature of occurrence including unfounded feelings of danger, sweating, nausea, dizziness, heart palpitations, and chest pains. GAD is a condition commonly known for developing at a gradual pace throughout one’s life, with higher prevalence being within the childhood-middle age stage. Characteristics of GAD are simply exaggerated tension and worry.

Word Count: 2500