Principles of Leadership-Leadership Approach


Principles of Leadership-Leadership Approach


From the information provided in the case study, assess Jim Blaylock’s leadership approach in the context of managing effective teams and ethical issues for managing the organisation effectively. Discuss improvements on how effective leadership may contribute to better managing teams and ethical practices in the context of the case-study.

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Leadership approach is the keystone to creating a high performing and effective teams (Kotter, 2001). Jim Blaylock adopted a job-centred leadership approach. This approach rests with the behavioural theory of leadership which asserts that leadership behaviour can be taught as opposed to innate leadership traits (Lussier & Achua, 2015). The Anthum CEO identified the potential in Jim and opted to strengthen his leadership capability by sending him to a law school, after which he handled more responsibilities as a vice president of the company. A job –centred leadership is characterised by maintaining close supervision of the subordinates to ensure that follow specific procedures and execute assigned tasks.

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