Privacy and technological innovation in hospitality

Privacy and technological innovation in hospitality


– Paper about the ethical issue of privacy and technological innovation in hospitality.
– 4 pages long
– with APA sources (at least 5 sources in APA)
– Must have a bibliography with the sources that were used
– Persuasive paper
– Must also have subjective information of two interviews
– In the paper, cite at least two people whom you have interviewed of related companies. Put a summary of each interview in the attachments.
– use primarily facts. Put your own well-substantiated and informed opinion in the conclusion.

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Technological advancements such as the Internet, smart gadgets, and the Internet of things have offered many opportunities and benefits for the hospitality sector. The Internet, in particular, has enabled hospitality businesses to perform many tasks such as booking, payment processing, reservations, and communication more easily, competitively, and cost-effectively.  However, these benefits come with their share of risks, which are inescapable in the hospitality industry.

Length: 1500 words