Problems Related to Social Media in the Workplace


Problems Related to Social Media in the Workplace


Write a research paper on problems Related to Social Media in the Workplace

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Social media has been defined variably by many researchers and scholars. While there is no universal definition, the existing definitions underscore the fact that it is a tool of communication that is based on the digital technology, and which allows users to connect virtually and exchange information socially and commercially (Kaur, 2017). There are multiple social media platforms that have emerged that people use to connect and communicate with each other. One of the most notable social media tools include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Youtube, among many others. The growth of the internet and mobile computing has resulted in increased usage and popularity of social media. Data published by Clement (2020) suggests that the number of people using social media platforms increased from 0.97 billion in 2010 to 3.08 billion in 2020, with estimates projecting that the number would reach 3.48 billion by 2023.  These numbers underscore the extent of reach and usage of social media. In the US, every social media user spends at an average of one hour 57 minutes per day on social media, while in the Philippines, the social media user spend twice as much time that Americans spend (Clement, 2020). Given these statistics, it is evident that social media is no longer a preserve of a few tech-savvy people.

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