Product Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 from Amazon


Product Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 from Amazon


Choose a product from the brand that you have chosen for your group assignment and answer the following questions.

  1. Discuss the 3 layers of the product chosen.
  2. Classify the product by mode of purchase
  3. What stage of adoption is this product at?
  4. What stage of product lifecycle is this product at?

Answer preview

Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Dual SIM 4G LTE is a product from amazon exhibiting three product layers. The first layer is the core product and it explains what the customers are buying. This layer addresses the core problem. When a customer buys the smartphone, they expected the core problem or communication to be solved. In general terms, the product is expected to allow the customer to be more connected and communicate at any time, place and time. The second layer describes the actual product and the features which would persuade the customers to buy the product. This layer includes the design which makes Xiaomi Redmi to be an exceptional smartphone. Xiaomi is able to design different versions of smartphones on pre-order basis. The third layer (augmented product) involves differential features and other non-tangible benefits attached to the smartphone.

Word count: 706