Professional and Collaborative Roles


Professional and Collaborative Roles


Students will attend an inter-professional event with other students from the College of Health and Human Services (nursing, occupational therapy, etc.) which will provide students with a beginning understanding of their potential roles in interdisciplinary teams.

Students will then respond to questions provided focusing on interdisciplinary practice and submit a summary of their experience through questions provided by the instructor.

The Interprofessional Event will be held on the follows dates/times (students are to attend ONE): Tuesday, February 12th 4:00 – 7:00pm; Friday, February 15th 9:00am – 12:00pm; or Friday February 15th 1:00 – 4:00pm.

For students who cannot attend one of the IPE events provided by the college of HHS, you will be required to attend an interprofessional event (professional community training, conference, etc.) that you locate yourself, and respond to the same questions provided by instructor

Answer Preview

Some of the issues that arose from the role play were due to the fact that the participants did not speak a common language. There are several advantages associated with a common language. First, a common language builds collaboration amongst different professionals. Secondly, a common language breaks down silos between professionals and it also builds bridges of shared experiences and language which may not be possible if the participant spoke different languages.  From the role play experience, I also realized that there is a huge importance attached to understanding each other’s roles. This is because an understanding will develop respect, tolerance and a willingness to work with other professionals. When there is no understanding of each other’s roles, there could come up opposing views which could deteriorate into a heated conflict. In this case, if the participants hold different perspectives, they could really do with a discussion that will bring a general understanding. Lastly, understanding each other’s roles helps to avoid role blurring. When it comes to clearing and clarifying professional roles, the health care facility is responsible for the task. The professionals themselves would also be responsible for clarifying their roles to the members of the team who would be working with them. This will ensure that everyone is aware of their roles and hence eliminate any blurring.

Word Count: 900