Professional and Personal Goals in Social Work

Self-Discovery Assignment TWO: Professional and Personal Goals

To be a professional social worker one first needs to gain a better understanding of yourself, coupled with a good knowledge base and skill set.  One of the first steps in understanding the self is to review your personal and professional goals.  This assignment begins the merge the personal and professional goals that drive one’s life.

Thus, the obligation set forth in the NASW Code of Ethics (review from HW ONE) to an understanding of “personal values and cultural and religious beliefs” takes on a new meaning and asks for another level of commitment to knowledge and understanding from Social Work Professionals.

This assignment is to be a 700 word discuss how you see your professional and personal goals within the context of the mission of Social Work.  Are the goals similar, different and how will your personal goals strengthen the profession of social work.  Discuss what led you to the profession of social work and how that fits into your personal goals.

Title page required and references required if you cite any sources.

  • Do the assignments at this site to review your personal goals:

 (Links to an external site.)


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