Professional Demeanor


Professional Demeanor


Write an essay detailing on professional demeanor

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The first thing I have learned in this program in relation to professional demeanor is the use of language. Exhibition of professional demeanor has to begin on the way a person talks and I have learned to choose my language carefully and mostly use professional language and mostly in formal settings. Ethical behavior is also very important in the line of social work and in relation to professional demeanor because it helps to display professionalism in the best way. In this case, I have learnt how to commit myself to do the right thing and consider the implication of my decisions while seeking help in the fields that I am unsure about. The attitude is also important while exhibiting professional demeanor and this is something I have learnt from the program. I have learned to maintain a positive attitude in and outside the classroom, and that will help even in future career. The positive attitude helps to keep other people energetic and positive as well which increases performance in the in the workplace.

Word Count: 600