Project Business Management for Mobile Inc.


Project Business Management for Mobile Inc.


Write a project paper that focuses on Business management for Mobile. Inc

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The aim of this project is to help Mobile Inc. to make effective managerial decisions that will help improve its financial and operational position. This project therefore involves critical analysis of the key operations of the company which includes research and development, production and marketing. Major activities include analysis of the market and the industry, the strength and competence of the company as well as the expansion opportunities and options available to make a set of decisions that will help maximize the value for its shareholders. Equally, the company operates in an industry characterized by constant change due to rapid technological evolutions. It’s therefore important for the company to develop an organizational culture that allows smooth and effective change management. All these decisions must be made in view of the financial implications for the company both in long and short term basis.  The company must achieve its maximum profit with the lowest cost possible (Brown, et al., 2013).

Word Count: 5300