Project Management Phases- The Initiation Phase


Project Management Phases- The Initiation Phase


The Five Phases of Project Management

Define goals/specifications- INITIATION
Plan the project- PLANNING
Schedule the project- EXECUTION
Manage the project- CONTROL
Finish the project- CLOSING

Discuss the Initiation phase of project management.

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Project management is defined as the process of application of tools, knowledge,
techniques, skills and other related activities so as to achieve the targets of a given project
(Westland, 2006). The process of project management involves the activities that are aimed at
achieving the budget, schedule and project performance through interrelated activities that
produce quality and quantity deliverables within a specified period of time. The main objective
of any project is to bring together the people, tasks and resources in order to achieve the set
business goals and objectives within defined timelines and with the available financial resources.
A successful project management has five basic phases.
The first phase of the project management is the initiation phase. It is the phase that is
involved with the general conceptualization of the whole project management. Its main
objective is to offer a magnificent plan and perform high level risk evaluation for the proposed

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