Promoting the world of self-service


Promoting the world of self-service


Write an annotated bibliography on Promoting the world of self-service (The Tesco case)

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Alexander, A., Shaw, G., and Curth, L., 2005. Promoting retail innovation: knowledge flows during the emergence of self-service and supermarket retailing in Britain. Environment and Planning A37(5), pp.805-821.

This article by Alexander, Shaw, and Curth exemplifies the importance of innovation in retail management, especially in the context of self-service and retailing in a British supermarket. The outcomes of the review show that innovation of self-service in the retail sector develops with the dynamics of the environment. The intellectual background of authors and the sponsorship of this study by Leverhulme Trust make the work legitimate and helpful. The authors conceptualize the innovation process in the British context to explain the importance of technological change in the context of self-service. This discussion, however, adopts a different approach from that of Currah and Wrigley (2004) by providing support of the arguments raised through reference to retail supermarkets in Britain. This work forms a strong foundation to understanding the evolution of innovation in the self-service sector and retail supermarkets. The use of existing groceries such as Tesco makes the work more relatable to the topic of this document.

Word Count: 1300