Promoting the world of self-service (The Tesco case)


Promoting the world of self-service (The Tesco case)


Write a dissertation paper on the world of self-service.

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Technological advancement has become part and parcel of conventional retail services as it transforms customers shopping experience (Hagberg, Sundstrom and Egels-Zandén, 2016).  With increasing need   for competitive advantage, retailers are adopting nonconventional means of maximising customer satisfaction. Indeed, meeting and exceeding customer expectations becomes a source of competitive edge in business (Lowe and Wrigley, 2009). The concept of customer self-service emerged as a result of the increasing need to transform the traditional service chartered by human interaction (Holten and Behumi, 2005). Self-service technologies are understood as ways through which customers can locate desired products, services or processes with the help of technologies (Lowe and Wrigley, 2009).

Word count: 5950