Promoting the world of self-service – The Tesco case


Promoting the world of self-service – The Tesco case


Write a 1000-word draft paper on the Tesco Case.

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Technological advancement has become part and parcel of conventional retail services as it transforms customers shopping experience (Alexander, Shaw and Curth, 2005).  With increasing need   for competitive advantage, retailers are adopting nonconventional means of maximising customer satisfaction. Indeed, meeting and exceeding customer expectations becomes a source of competitive edge in business (Lowe and Wrigley, 2009). The concept of customer self-service emerged as a result of the increasing need to transform the traditional service chartered by human interaction (Holten and Behumi, 2005). Self-service technologies are understood as ways through which customers can locate desired products, services or processes with the help of technologies (Lowe and Wrigley, 2009).

Word count: 1190