Racism in Australia


Racism in Australia


Please answer one of the following questions, utilising at least 8 sources (at least 6 sources must be academic):

Option 1)

What are the potential social implications of Australia’s current distribution of wealth amongst its population?

Advice: It would be a good idea to look at some statistics from the ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics) to understand Australia’s wealth distribution. We will be interested in how well supported the link between such statistics and potential social implications you identify is, using academic literature.

Option 2)

What social initiative may help to tackle racism in Australia? Support your argument of why your identified initiative may be effective based on academic studies and academic literature.

Advice: You can choose an existing initiative, or create your own. We will be interested to see how well you show why the initiative may be effective based on the level of academic support you can show for it.

Option 3)

Are notions of gender changing in a country like Australia, and what are the implications of this for identity and gender equality?

Advice: You will need to first make a determination of whether or not notions of gender are changing, and provide evidence to support your determination of this. Whether you determine that gender notions are changing, are not changing, or changing amongst particular groups of society only, we will be interested in how effectively you can show the link between these notions of gender, and the impact of these notions for identity and gender equality.

Answer Preview 

Racism Its Stops with Me, is an initiative that was created by the Australian government to help in creating awareness in the  Australian society, as well as reduce the number of people that face racism each day. This initiative was created in 2012 after the creation of the comprehensive National Anti-Racism Strategy, in collaboration with the Australian Human Rights Commission (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2013). This initiative has greatly affected the Australian community in terms of reducing racism in the nation. According to the Australian Human Rights Commission, as of August 2018, more than 370 institutions have joined the campaign. Moreover, the report the commission indicated that since 2015, race was the main thing that dominated the headlines and drove public debates across the nation. Furthermore, internationally at the time, the world experienced an increased anti-immigrant populism that pushed racism further and Australia was no exception to this form of racism. Presently, the main issue that the initiative is facing is racism that is based on the internet.

Word Count; 1800