Real Estate/Mortgage Frauds


Real Estate/Mortgage Frauds


Term Paper Format:

1) title page

2) Table of contents

3) Abstract Page (summary of salient points or executive summary)

4)Body of the term paper (footnoted)

5)Bibliography/list references

6)Agenda (reference materials or tables)


Body of the term paper:


-purpose or objective of paper

-body of paper

-Theoretical framework

-Applications of theory, proof of the principles or issue

-Information sources and methods of Analysis

-Case study, illustrations, graphics



Term paper Information Sources:

-university library

-real estate journals

-real estate market publications

-Toronto real estate board

-Government departments and libraries

-Housing, central mortgage and housing corp

-municipal, central mortgage and housing corp



Term paper length: 7 pages (2000 words)

-The report should be long enough to address the topic with sufficient thoroughness that someone could use it as the basis of decision-making.

Answer Preview

There are different types of real estate or mortgage frauds. Irrespective of the type of fraud, the consequences are grave.  Mortgage or real estate fraud includes deceits associated with gaining a mortgage under untrue pretenses such as misreading appraisal aiming at augmenting property value and using false documents during the transfer of property.[1] Homeowners often remain with unwanted property or fail to gain the intended benefits.  Although law suits are inevitable in such cases, the consequences might be serious and hard to reverse.  Credit institutions end up with a lot of funds advanced to parties with little or no capability to service the loans. Upon the occurrence or mortgage frauds, lawsuits are the most immediate and reliable remedies. However, the asset might be in a state of non-recovery, or the perpetrators disappeared. The court might take a long time to determine the guilty and innocent parties in the dealings.[2] Therefore, it is important to understand types of mortgage o real estate frauds and take appropriate steps to prevent the crime from taking place.

[1] Nelen, Hans. (2008), “Real Estate and Serious Forms of Crime”. International Journal Of Social Economics 35 (10): 751-762.

[2] von Lampe, Klaus. (2008), “Mortgage Fraud And Organized Crime In Canada: Strategic Intelligence Brief”. Trends In Organized Crime 11 (3): 301-308.

Word count: 2810