Reason, Order and Harmony in Neoclassic Art


Reason, Order and Harmony in Neoclassic Art


Write an essay discussing reason, Order and Harmony in Neoclassic Art

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The reason was one of the key values in the enlightenment era. Reason required people to think through issues, concepts and actions and find a meaning and logical sense to them before adopting them. This period promoted human beings as rational beings who used their gift of reason to make the most sense out of what they believed and did. This concept led to challenging the romanticism approach to artwork. For example, they found less connection between romanticism artwork and the classical values that celebrated self-sacrifice. Artists in this era sought to achieve rationality and sobriety by ensuring that they worked on art that could relate to their time. For example, in his art “Oath of Horatii” by David in 1784, was aimed at supporting rebellion during the French revolution. Through the artwork, he encouraged people to reason out how they would embrace self-sacrifice for the benefit of the state. People could relate to such content.

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